Anomalie #1318
FIND SEARCH : if an OPE is selected in short list (top right) the query should be made with that OPE by default
Ajouté par Yann Le Jeune il y a environ 11 ans.
Mis à jour il y a environ 8 ans.
It's already OK for ADD FIND
- Version cible changé de 1.0 à 10
- Version cible changé de 10 à 1.0
- Statut changé de Nouveau à Commentaire
For all searches the rule is : by default display the current item (current is for me the item selected in the short list).
i.e: if you search an operation it displays the current operation, if you search an archaeological file it displays the current archaeological file and so on.
ADD FIND displays the current context record (which in your tests seems to be attached to your current operation) because a context record is search.
We can change the rule but it has to be systematic. Furthermore operation is not an available criteria for find search (should it be add?).
Yes, Operation should be add as an available criteria for FIND SEARCH so if an operation is selected (short list) then the default view of FIND SEARCH is already the FINDS related to that operation.
- Priorité changé de Urgent à Haut
Finds are still not listed by pre-selected (short menu) OPE
- Statut changé de Commentaire à En cours
- Statut changé de En cours à Résolu
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