Anomalie #1216
ferméOPE Search by name not working
at all ?
Mis à jour par Étienne Loks il y a presque 12 ans
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On the test plateform (ishtar-pdl) a search with "Angers" returns 182 results that seems relevant.
Perhaps a side bug already corrected?
Mis à jour par Yann Le Jeune il y a presque 12 ans
A request with name : "truc" gives two results that i can't explain. At least by looking at the sheetfile for OPE.
Maybe there's something missing in the sheet file (name ?) that explain this ?
Mis à jour par Yann Le Jeune il y a presque 12 ans
A test with name "psalette" gives one result that can be explain : we can see "psalette in the comentary field of the sheetfile.
So It seems that "Name :" provides a full text request in ALL the txtx fields. If This is right then :
we should add things in the sheetfiles (things that can explain results...) :),
we should change the label "Name :" by "full text research" or the like.
What do you think ?
Mis à jour par Étienne Loks il y a presque 12 ans
No. The research is only on the "common name" (that doesn't appear on the sheet - it is another bug).
But indeed it is a full text search. TRUC is found in the "common name" of the two operations found :
Nantes, Place du Commerce, cons truc tion d'un parking souterrain 7 niveaux
The field has to be more precise. "Name (full text search):"
Mis à jour par Yann Le Jeune il y a presque 12 ans
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OK, so it's just another bug, the research is OK ! Sorry !