

Yann Le Jeune

  • Identifiant: yann.lejeune
  • Email: lj.yann@gmail.com
  • Inscrit le: 02 décembre 2010
  • Dernière connexion: 20 février 2025


ouverts fermés Total
Demandes assignées 2 37 39
Demandes soumises 21 766 787


Projet Rôles Inscrit le
Ishtar Developer 02 décembre 2010


13 mars 2024

11:45 Ishtar Bug #5810 (Nouveau): Erreur lors de l'ajout d'un traitement sur un panier [Instance CD44]
Depuis un panier de 10 mobiliers, usage de l'accès rapide (bouton vert) pour ajouter un traitement (étude xylo)
La l...
Yann Le Jeune

13 octobre 2019

13:07 Ishtar Anomalie #4781: Bookmark / ALERT : not active for SITES or CONTEXT UNITS
Also broken for :
- Alerts for Documents : An error has occured. The support team has been warned.
Seems OK elsewhere
Yann Le Jeune
12:57 Ishtar Anomalie #4781 (Résolu): Bookmark / ALERT : not active for SITES or CONTEXT UNITS
- We can create alerts.
- Alerts appears on UI (grey button with correct result numbers).
But if we use these but...
Yann Le Jeune

08 août 2019

11:10 Ishtar Feature #4673: CONTAINER : sheet file should give additional info
Container could also be tagged as : full / not full / unknown Yann Le Jeune

05 août 2019

15:03 Ishtar Feature #4673 (Nouveau): CONTAINER : sheet file should give additional info
Like :
- total weight,
- unloaded weight,
- size,
- (small) image of the type (add image to container types with ...
Yann Le Jeune

12 juin 2019

12:18 Ishtar Bug #4583 (Fermé): DOCUMENTS FORM : image field displayed on creation, not for modification
Seen on CD93 (python V3) Yann Le Jeune

02 mai 2019

17:02 Ishtar Bug #4515 (Fermé): DOCS / ADD or MODIFY : second author added (not in th DB before) erase previouly selected author
Seen on Pincevent [ Ishtar v2.1.dev.39-git - python3 ]
- A first author is added ("+" button)
- First author is d...
Yann Le Jeune

29 avril 2019

11:48 Ishtar Bug #4512 (Résolu): DOCS / DOCS types : Hierarchical types are not applied on request (doc search)
Seen on RABLE instance (Ishtar v2.1.dev.38-git)
Children type is displayed for record, but not applied on request.
Yann Le Jeune

07 avril 2019

16:38 Ishtar Bug #4479 (Fermé): CONTEXT RECORD creation from OPERATION sheetfile : UE could be create without parcel even on Instances where parcels are compulsory
Seen on Ishtar v2.1.dev.38-git
This leads to CONTEXT RECORD without parcels, tagged as error (no parcels selected)...
Yann Le Jeune

25 mars 2019

11:17 Ishtar Bug #4467 (Résolu): MAP MODULE : maps are displayed even with the MAP MODULE unselected (DJANGO ADMIN)
Seen on 78-92 (python 3) test instance
Info : geo-localization seems possible (button displayed) but is ineffectiv...
Yann Le Jeune

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