Evolution #157
closedOPE / some nice datas to add in form and model
Start date:
31 January 2011
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Some usefull informations can be added (for preventive archeology and in case of "prev_excavation" - not for diagnostic) :
operation cost (Euros), INTEGER,
% of FNAP financing, INTEGER,
operator (chosen from organisation: type "operator"), (This should be added for all preventive OPE : also for diagnostics and the like),[this must be added to tables and listings] / another solution is to use the Orgaisation link of the head scientist.
Only for diagnostics :
prescription on zoning : true/false,
prescription on large surface : true/false,
prescription on geoarchaeological context : true/false
This will permit very nice reports and evaluation !
Updated by Anonymous almost 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Nouveau to Fermé
Appliqué par commit commit:"8f19f135b90bfc4e2ee3efe1a18427221e5e97ce".