Anomalie #1574
closedADD automatic display of sheetfile after ADDING FILE, OPE, UE or FIND
Start date:
18 December 2013
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
The DB provide numerous indexes for FILEs, OPEs, UEs and FINDs.
As many people could work at the same time on the same instance of Ishtar, those indexes are not know until the objects are created in the DD with the convenient index.
User should know what index has been created.
So, the sheetfile of what has been recorded should be provided AFTER the record, at the end of the add wizard.
That sheetfile should provide a "modify" button so that, if an error occured, the user could go straight to the modify process.
Updated by Yann Le Jeune over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Résolu to En cours
- Tracker changed from Evolution to Anomalie
CRASH after adding an OPE, no sheetfile displayed, OPE added to DB without TOWN and PARCELS
Updated by Étienne Loks over 10 years ago
- Status changed from En cours to Résolu