



Anomalie #1682


Evolution #1673: FILE ADD and MODIF : changes in wizard panels

FILE ADD and MODIF + sheetfile : add a specific panel for programmed archaeology

Added by Yann Le Jeune over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
25 February 2014
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


This must be done after :

The general panel has a field for preventive/programmed archaeology. For preventive archaeology we have a specific panel, now we need the same thing for programmed archaeology.

That panel should display the following fields (to be added if filled in sheetfiles also) :

  • (not compulsory) departments (could be multiples choices, like Towns selections),

  • (not compulsory

  • (compulsory) scientific responsible / applicant : related to INDIVIDUALS (not land management related), add "+" button,

  • (compulsory) requested operation : list of type_operation but only not preventive ones,

  • (not compulsory) organization : txt search in list of ORGANIZATIONS (not land management related), add "+" button,

  • (not compulsory) Advised in CIRA : binary yes or no,

  • (not compulsory) Comment : free txt 500 carac,

  • (not compulsory) On registred historical monument (MH), unknown + binary

  • (not compulsory) On listed historical monument (MH), unknown + binary

  • (not compulsory) in protected area (secteur sauvegardé), unknown + binary

  • (not compulsory) in classified area (site classé), unknown + binary

Actions #1

Updated by Yann Le Jeune over 10 years ago

For french administration :

  • (not compulsory) departments (could be multiples choices, like Towns selections), [ Départements ]

  • (compulsory) scientific responsible / applicant : related to INDIVIDUALS (not land management related), add "+" button, [ Responsable scientifique ]

  • (compulsory) requested operation : list of type_operation but only not preventive ones, [ Type d'opération demandée ]

  • (not compulsory) organization : txt search in list of ORGANIZATIONS (not land management related), add "+" button, [ Organisation porteuse du projet ]

  • (not compulsory) Advised in CIRA : binary yes or no, [* Passage en CIRA ]*

  • (not compulsory) Comment : free txt 500 carac, [ Commentraire ]

  • (not compulsory) On registred historical monument (MH), unknown + binary [ Sur Monument historique classé ]

  • (not compulsory) On listed historical monument (MH), unknown + binary [ Sur Monument historique inscrit ]

  • (not compulsory) in protected area (secteur sauvegardé), unknown + binary [ Au sein d'un secteur sauvegardé ]

  • (not compulsory) in classified area (site classé), unknown + binary [* Au sein d'un site classé ]*

Actions #2

Updated by Étienne Loks over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Nouveau to Résolu
Actions #3

Updated by Yann Le Jeune over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Résolu to En cours

A "+" should be added for scientific responsible and orga, so if the txt search is null, user can add a new scientist or orga.

Actions #4

Updated by Étienne Loks over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from En cours to Résolu
Actions #5

Updated by Yann Le Jeune over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Résolu to Fermé


Actions #6

Updated by Yann Le Jeune over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Fermé to En cours
  • Tracker changed from Evolution to Anomalie

That pannel is displayed even for Preventive archaeology, it should be displayed ONLY for programmed archaeology

Actions #7

Updated by Étienne Loks over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from En cours to Résolu

Also available in: Atom PDF