Anomalie #1827
ferméDJANGO ADMIN crash on search of an OPE source
FieldError at /admin/archaeological_operations/operationsource/
Cannot resolve keyword 'name' into field. Choices are: administrative_act, archaeological_sites, associated_file, cached_label, cira_date, cira_rapporteur, code_dracar, code_patriarche, comment, common_name, context_record, cost, eas_number, effective_man_days, end_date, excavation_end_date, fnap_cost, fnap_financing, geoarchaeological_context_prescription, history_modifier, id, in_charge, large_area_prescription, negative_result, operation_code, operation_type, operationbydepartment, operator, operator_reference, optional_man_days, parcels, periods, remains, report_delivery_date, scheduled_man_days, scientist, source, start_date, surface, towns, year, zoning_prescription
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 1.4.5
Exception Type: FieldError
Exception Value:
Cannot resolve keyword 'name' into field. Choices are: administrative_act, archaeological_sites, associated_file, cached_label, cira_date, cira_rapporteur, code_dracar, code_patriarche, comment, common_name, context_record, cost, eas_number, effective_man_days, end_date, excavation_end_date, fnap_cost, fnap_financing, geoarchaeological_context_prescription, history_modifier, id, in_charge, large_area_prescription, negative_result, operation_code, operation_type, operationbydepartment, operator, operator_reference, optional_man_days, parcels, periods, remains, report_delivery_date, scheduled_man_days, scientist, source, start_date, surface, towns, year, zoning_prescription
Mis à jour par Étienne Loks il y a presque 11 ans
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- Sujet changé de DJANGo ADMIN crash on search of an OPE à DJANGO ADMIN crash on search of an OPE source