Anomalie #1949
closedClean act types duplicates
Start date:
15 July 2014
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Updated by Yann Le Jeune over 9 years ago
Many types of acts are present in ishtar-SRA-PROD, post-IMPORT process... Non available types of acts should be replaced by currents ones.
Updated by Yann Le Jeune almost 9 years ago
This is mostly a post-import artefact
Updated by Étienne Loks over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Étienne Loks to Yann Le Jeune
All old act type associated with no acts have been deleted (227).
For the remaining act types, these act types are to be kept (and merge together) or to be match with existing ones?
The list of currently de-activated act types are:
autorisation avec prescriptions
décision d'exécution
opération reportée
prescription de diagnostic
prescription de fouille
retrait d'autorisation
Updated by Étienne Loks over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Yann Le Jeune to Étienne Loks
Étienne Loks a écrit :
For the remaining act types, these act types are to be kept (and merge together) or to be match with existing ones?
To be merged!