Bug #2132
ferméACTS/Documents : add filter on type of documents
13 novembre 2014
% réalisé:
Temps estimé:
At this time (both for OPE and FILES) :
we can re-create a document related to an act (odt file),
we have a search panel, we must select the act, then choose the DOC (odt template),
all type of DOC are displayed in doc listing,
if we choose a DOC not related to the selected act then we get a blank screen (no message error, no odt file generated).
We should have :
only related type of DOC displayed in listing,
no blank screen / error message or production of odt file.
Mis à jour par Étienne Loks il y a plus de 10 ans
- Priorité changé de Immédiat à Haut
- Statut changé de Nouveau à En cours
As it should be dynamic on the page, "only related type of DOC displayed in listing" is really difficult to manage with the current User Interface. As the blank page issue is fixed, the priority has been lowered (if you disagree this can be re-increased).
Mis à jour par Étienne Loks il y a environ 2 ans
- Statut changé de En cours à Fermé
- Description mis à jour (diff)