Evolution #525
ferméDashboard / First Operations info
As a start...
Recorded OPE : an OPE recorded in the DB,
Effective OPE : Ope with a responsible,
Active OPE : Ope with a responsible, not closed,
Field OPE : Ope with an end date for field work,
Reported : an Ope with at least one report (doc),
Closed OPE : a closed OPE :), an effective OPE should be closed if Reported, and (usually) after recording of the finds/docs a non effecive ope could be closed if abandonated.
Default year for an OPE : Year (number) of the OPE
Realization year for an OPE : year of beginning date,
Global info :
numbers of OPE [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed]
Total surface by OPE type,
[Table] numbers of OPE by type (Ope_type) [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] number of OPE by Year and Realization-Year [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] numbers of effective OPE by type (Ope_type) and by year,
[Table] number of OPE by month for the last 12 months and Realization-months [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed].
Diagnostics info :
numbers of OPE recorded [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] number of OPE by Year and Realization-Year [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] for current year of record AND of Realization :
- Sum Surface of diagnostics [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
- Sum man-days of diagnostics [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
- man-days/hectare for effective OPE,
- by organization (related to responsible) : surface, man-days, man-days/hectare.
[Table] all recorded OPE by organization : surface by Year [table and mean],
[Table] effectives OPE : surface by Year [table and mean],
[Table] Man-Days/hectare by Year [table and mean],
[Table] Number of OPE by month for the last 12 months [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] Number of OPE by Department [by year and sum],
[Table] Number of effective OPE by Department [by realization year / sum],
[Table] Surface of effective OPE by Department [by realization year / sum]
TOP 10 Town classified by number of effective OPE (with numbers),
TOP 10 Town classified by surface of effective OPE (with numbers).
Excavations info :
numbers of OPE recorded [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] number of OPE by Year and Realization-Year [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] by Realization-Year :
- Sum Surface [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
- Sum man-days [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
- duration/hectare for Field done OPE,
- cost/m2 for effective OPE,
- by organization (related to responsible) : surface, man-days, man-days/hectare.
[Table] all recorded OPE by organization : cost and surface by Year and Realization-Year [table, sum and mean],
[Table] Number of OPE by month for the last 12 months [recorded / effective / active / field / reported / reported and closed / closed],
[Table] Number of OPE by Department [by year / sum],
[Table] Number of effective OPE by Department [by realization year / sum],
[Table] Cost of effective OPE by Department [by realization year / sum],
[Table] FNAP Cost of effective OPE by Department [by realization year / sum],
TOP 10 Town classified by number of effective OPE (with numbers),
TOP 10 Town classified by Cost of effective OPE (with numbers).
Mis à jour par Yann Le Jeune il y a plus de 13 ans
- Priorité changé de Normal à Haut
This is a priority
Mis à jour par Yann Le Jeune il y a plus de 13 ans
At the beginning of that dashboard we should have a list of on-going OPE :
OPE that have began before NOW but are not finished on the field (Date for field work not recorded OR before now)
Mis à jour par Anonyme il y a plus de 13 ans
- % réalisé changé de 0 à 100
- Statut changé de Nouveau à Fermé
Appliqué par commit commit:"d79a15455b230015f36af7d14a45b5f1fa77a855".