Anomalie #68
closedBanner / default file management
Start date:
09 January 2011
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Even a file with no relation with the user is displayed in the Menu.
Only user's files must be displayed in that menu.
That system is a general concept for the banner default management menu. It must provide a quick acces to files related to the user.
Updated by Étienne Loks about 14 years ago
Even a file with no relation with the user is displayed in the Menu False. The user has created theses archeological files. Relevant relations with files must be described.
Updated by Yann Le Jeune about 14 years ago
OK. The creation of a file define a relation between the file and the user. THIS IS PERFECT !
Updated by Étienne Loks about 14 years ago
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