

Valérie-Emma Leroux

  • Identifiant: emma
  • Inscrit le: 25 mars 2011
  • Dernière connexion: 12 février 2025


ouverts fermés Total
Demandes assignées 3 45 48
Demandes soumises 42 143 185


Projet Rôles Inscrit le
Ishtar Administrateur, Developer 18 novembre 2013


11 décembre 2024

18:57 Ishtar Bug #6106 (Nouveau): Adminact: problem with main image
The thumbnail automatically generated by Ishtar from a PDF is not automatically tagged as main_image by Ishtar (it is... Valérie-Emma Leroux

17 avril 2024

15:09 Ishtar Bug #5915 (Nouveau): Admin: rename "Relation types" for context records module in "Context records relation types" as it is for "Operation relation types" in module Operation
Valérie-Emma Leroux

26 mars 2024

18:06 Ishtar Bug #4713: Criteria search: bad date format provided by the calendar
Search works well in French both with DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD formats.
But awkward results in English where the ...
Valérie-Emma Leroux
17:54 Ishtar Feature #4677: Default message on the welcome page should link to the documentation
On a new instance, the link to the documentation is still missing, and furthermore, the link to the forum is outdated... Valérie-Emma Leroux
17:52 Ishtar Feature #3669: Lists should provide thumbnails, when image is present
Requires graphic refactoring. Valérie-Emma Leroux
16:58 Ishtar Feature #2888 (Fermé): FINDS / Search : search in many operations
A basket can be used and the search with many operations is also possible ; exemple : `code-patriarche="206296;203907... Valérie-Emma Leroux
16:55 Ishtar Feature #2690 (Fermé): PARCELS ADD/MODIF (in OPE) : Parcels could have an owner and a short descriptive field
See #154. Valérie-Emma Leroux
16:53 Ishtar Feature #437 (Fermé): Context record and finds creation / No find can be linked to a negative context record
Won't be implemented. Ishtar does not perform such checks, which prevents data from being recorded. Checks can be mad... Valérie-Emma Leroux
16:50 Ishtar Feature #154 (Rejeté): OPE CREATION and MODIF / Owner managment
Will not be implemented in regards to GDPR. Valérie-Emma Leroux

25 mars 2024

16:01 Ishtar Feature #5843 (Nouveau): Container search criteria: add "contains finds" and "contains documents" as criteria (both with yes/no)
Valérie-Emma Leroux

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