Anomalie #1562
Colors and orders in SHORT menu
Ajouté par Yann Le Jeune il y a environ 11 ans.
Mis à jour il y a presque 9 ans.
At this time OPE and FILES are ordered by alphabetical order.
FILEs should be ordered by (date of receipt) + (delay) or, for files with no delay use only date of receipt,
FILE with no administrative acts associated on top,
FILEs with time limit exceeded and no admin act should be in RED,
FILEs with time limit of 1/3 and no admin act should be in ORANGE,
FILEs with time limit of 2/3 or more and no admin act should be in GREEN,
OPE should be ordered by year + index by year.
- Statut changé de Nouveau à En cours
- Statut changé de En cours à Résolu
- Statut changé de Résolu à En cours
- Tracker changé de Evolution à Anomalie
Some FILES are not correctly displayed in SHORT MENU, but we have to tune this like that :
FILE with no administrative acts associated on top, [If a FILE has an OPE then it's like an administrative act (no color in menu)]
FILEs with time limit exceeded and no admin act should be in RED, [AR should not be considered as Administrative acts]]
FILEs with time limit of 1/3 and no admin act should be in ORANGE,
FILEs with time limit of 2/3 or more and no admin act should be in GREEN,
- FILEs with an administrative act (AR don't count), or an OPE, should be displayed in alphabetical order, then year+index,
- OPE should be ordered by year + index by year. [ That's a bad idea, sorry ! We should go back to alphabetical order, then year+index ]
- Statut changé de En cours à Résolu
Changes applied. Check required!
- Statut changé de Résolu à Fermé
- Statut changé de Fermé à En cours
Delays are note well integrated, some files are in red whereas there is still time to process them.
- Statut changé de En cours à Résolu
- Priorité changé de Urgent à Immédiat
- Statut changé de Résolu à En cours
FILEs with acts (not AR) are still colored and not in black
- Priorité changé de Immédiat à Haut
ISHTAR/TEST : Seems still not OK : 2014 - 213
Nom : ANGERS-Rempart Nord Château
as an act (not indexed one but not an AR) and is still present in red. It should be in black
- Statut changé de En cours à Fermé
Formats disponibles : Atom