Evolution #1618
DOC's ACT : modification of te generated odt file
Ajouté par Yann Le Jeune il y a presque 11 ans.
Mis à jour il y a presque 11 ans.
Actually an odt doc is named like this :
It should evolve to this :
----<USUAL NAME>--.odt
Like this :
- - - - < USUAL NAME > - - .odt
Town has been set uppercase but what is "USUAL NAME"? (example?)
- Statut changé de Nouveau à En cours
The USUAL NAME, is the name of the FILE or OPE, most of the time this is refered as :
WE shoudl add, if the ACT as an index : YEAR - INDEX
i.e. :
At this time :
Should be :
44-NANTES-ope-185364-Les Pénitentes-A_DIAG_2014-14-20140128.odt
"Les pénitentes" is the name of the file,
2014 is the year of the act,
14 is the index of the act.
- Statut changé de En cours à Résolu
Formats disponibles : Atom