Evolution #1627
OPE's ACT : add supression process
Ajouté par Yann Le Jeune il y a presque 11 ans.
Mis à jour il y a plus de 9 ans.
As for ACT's File.
In OPE/ACT menu supression is not available
For both FILE's and OPE's ACTS, a warning should be displayed if the targeted act is an indexed one.
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Yann Le Jeune a écrit :
- Warning don't seems to be displayed then ACT is an indexed one (FILE/ACT/deletion)
The warning (underline in yellow) doesn't appear? (tried on the main platform - yes... the translation is missing)
[]({width: 100%}ishtar-indexed-act-warning.png)
- Statut changé de En cours à Commentaire
Yann Le Jeune a écrit :
- not possible for OPE : "Deletion" is not in OPE/ACT/ menu
Which account is used? (with an administrator account this action is available for me)
- Statut changé de Commentaire à Fermé
Formats disponibles : Atom