Evolution #246
closedOPERATIONS add and modif / some new datas
These new datas should be added to OPERATIONS :
Cost [integer]: the cost in Euros (this could be modified later for internationalisation) ["General" data panel]
Field work end's date [date]: a date for the end of the excavion ["General" data panel]
Stratified context [binary]: as a stratified excavation is a very expensive and specialised work it should be tagged ["General" data panel]
Lambert X coordinates [integer]: X coordinate for operation's centroid ["Reference" data panel]
Lambert Y coordinates [integer]: Y coordinate for operation's centroid ["Reference" data panel]
Altitude Z NGF [integer]: Z altitude for operation's centroid ["Reference" data panel]
Operator's reference code [string]: Operator's use internal reference for operation, can be an usefull data for operator and/or a good key for cross-application request.["Reference" data panel]