Feature #3521
- Copié depuis Feature #3520: OPERATION form: check that all fields available in DB are present in the form ajouté
- Sujet changé de Operation sheet: check that all fields available in DB are present in the sheet à OPERATION sheet: check that all fields available in DB are present in the sheet
- Copié vers Feature #3538: FILE sheet: check that all fields available in DB are present in the sheet ajouté
- Copié vers Feature #3544: OPERATION > ADMINISTRATIVE ACT sheet: check that all fields available in DB are present in the sheet ajouté
- Version cible changé de 1.0 à 2.0
- Version cible changé de 2.0 à 2.1
- Tracker changé de Evolution à Feature
- Statut changé de Nouveau à Fermé
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