Anomalie #432
Town selection / list too short for common name...
Ajouté par Yann Le Jeune il y a plus de 13 ans.
Mis à jour il y a plus de 13 ans.
When we try a very common name (Saint-denis, Saint Martin,etc.) the list is too short to select the correct town (like Saint-Denis 93).
The current UI component is not really usable with long list. It has been modified to display 20 results but the correct way to get Saint Denis in the 93 department is to type "Saint Denis 93". A more explicit help has to be provided for this.
- % réalisé changé de 0 à 100
- Statut changé de Nouveau à Fermé
Appliqué par commit commit:"664c3ec45d2b79895c9830676e9de899b4f4c825".
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