Evolution #594
PEOPLE and ORGANIZATION / The add button can cause double records
Ajouté par Yann Le Jeune il y a plus de 13 ans.
Mis à jour il y a presque 9 ans.
We must find a solution so we can have double records... not easy but may be a search for similar records before recording a new one ?
- Priorité changé de Normal à Urgent
- Statut changé de Nouveau à Commentaire
Is this always a true issue?
A textual search is actually done to get the person/organization.
By the way, in the future, it can be useful for the admin to merge persons (I thinking of mispelling of name).
- Priorité changé de Urgent à Normal
Ok, and yes he merge of persons could be usefull in admin section.
- Statut changé de Commentaire à Fermé
The merge tool should do the job
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