Evolution #809
- Priorité changé de Bas à Urgent
- Sujet changé de Adding PARCELS / windows should be scrolled down à Adding PARCELS / windows should be scrolled down / We should improve parcels recording
PARCELS recording should be easier (FILE AND OPE), a better ergonomic should be great as there is sometimes hundreds of parcels...
YEAR | SECTION | PARCELS (separated by comma)
Each parcels should be separated when processed by Ishtar
- When recording a new PARCEL, if there is only one COMMUNE it should be already selected
- Version cible changé de 1.0 à 10
- Version cible changé de 10 à 1.0
- Priorité changé de Urgent à Immédiat
We should be able to record parcels by sections like :
" BS " "12,13, 15, 45, 86 " this should create 5 parcels in the database
- Statut changé de Nouveau à En cours
A new specific widget is currently developed. A lot of work but this should lead to a nice interface.
- Statut changé de En cours à Résolu
This is a killa feature ! excellent !
- Statut changé de Résolu à Fermé
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